WT SmartCityAward 2017


Fostering Resilient Ecological Design (F.R.E.D.)

Ennead Architects

Urban coastlines are at ever-increasing risk from storm-weather events and long-term sea level rise.  For an urban neighborhood to remain resilient and sustainable over many generations, the underlying infrastructure and organization must allow for adaptation, accommodating long-term response to uncertain economic and environmental change F.R.E.D. was developed as a flexible kit of parts. Comprised of systems of dunes, piers, and housing clusters, F.R.E.D. creates a practical solution, replicable on many coastal sites up and down the seaboard. F.R.E.D. creates a new way of building and living at the water’s edge.  Through its design, robust systems of parkland, water management, commercial activity, infrastructure, domesticity, and energy weave together to create an architectural fabric and a community that is adaptive and resilient, nostalgic and forward-thinking.


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